Sunday, June 9
Good morning everyone, A06 and B06 Cochrane was released at 6:00 temp 9 deg mostly sunny wind WNW 6-18 kms. Good luck
Good morning everyone, A06 and B06 Cochrane was released at 6:00 temp 9 deg mostly sunny wind WNW 6-18 kms. Good luck
Shipping for A06 and B06 Cochrane will be tonight
Shipping for A06 and B06 Matheson will be tonght
There will be no Shipping for A06 and B06. Please check back tomorrow morning.
Good morning, A05 and B05 Matheson was released with the Nrrpa at 7:00 sun and cloud 12 deg wind SW 9-20 km. Good luck everyone!
Shipping for A05 and B05 Matheson will be tonight
Good morning, B04 Latchford was released at 8:30 A04 New Liskeard at 9:00 not much wind sun and cloud 12deg.Good luck everyone
Shipping for A04 New Liskeard and B04 Latchford will be tonight
Due to rain moving in early tomorrow morning, There will be no shipping tonight. Please check back tomorrow morning at the same time. Thanks
Good morning, A03 Latchford & B03 North Bay are to be released at 7:30 clear blue 14 deg wind south to NB then turning E. Good luck everyone