Good morning All, the birds are released from A04 Latchford at 6:30. Mostly sunny and light south wind. Please check back in a couple hours for the North Bay release. Good Luck to All.
Good morning All, the birds are released from A04 Latchford at 6:30. Mostly sunny and light south wind. Please check back in a couple hours for the North Bay release. Good Luck to All.
Shipping for A04 Latchford and B04 North Bay will be tonight Saturday May 26 for a Sunday Race. Good Luck to All
The liberators have decided to ship Saturday night for a Sunday race,due to bad weather conditions. Check back Saturday morning for confirmation.
Good evening UNC members. Please start checking the website for shipping times. They may change to a different day if weather is not favourable.
May 24 – FINAL RESULTS posted.
May 22 – Humber Valley, Lakeport now added.
May 21 – Borden, Barrie, YRI, Pineridge now added, waiting for 2 more clubs (B Races for Toronto Central and Simcoe North).
Only 4 clubs submitted their race results today (May 20) – Simcoe North, Orillia RPC, North Wings and Scugog RPC… developing results (May 20) now posted!
Good morning All,
The birds will be released at the following times.
A03 North Bay 8:00
B03 North Bay 9:00
good North winds,
Good Luck to all
Good morning All,
Due to rain on the coarse all day, the birds will be held till tomorrow. Please check back tomorrow morning. Thanks
May 16: Final results – total of 8 clubs clocked their results for North Bay.
May 15: Humber Valley’s race result is now merged.
May 14: LakePort and Simcoe North race results are now added.
May 13: Borden, Orillia and YRI race results are in.
May 12 – North WIngs and Scugoc RPC race results are posted!
Good morning All, birds will be released at the following times
A02 North Bay 7:30
B02 North Bay 8:30
Clear and sunny, slight S/E winds. Good Luck to all.
Race secretaries please enter the races the following way
A02 North Bay
B02 North Bay2