Saturday May 11
Good morning everyone. A02 North Bay will be released at 7:00 sunny 3 degrees wind WNW 7-9 km changing to NW just south. B02 8:00 good luck from the liberators.
Good morning everyone. A02 North Bay will be released at 7:00 sunny 3 degrees wind WNW 7-9 km changing to NW just south. B02 8:00 good luck from the liberators.
Good morning everyone. A01 Dunchurch will be released at 11:30 sunny wind variable 5-8 km temp 7 deg. B01 will be released at 12:00 due to the late start time. Good luck Liberators
Race Secretaries please make sure you enter the races like this
A01 Dunchurch A Dunchurch
B01 Dunchurch2 B Dunchurch2
Here is the 2019 Race Schedule:
The next meeting of the Up North Combine will be held on December 16, 2018 in the upper room at the Schomberg Hall.
On the agenda will be the presentation of the race awards for 2018,the presentation of the Up North Combine scholarship awards, and the race schedule for the 2019 season.
The 2019 membership dues to the Up North Combine are payable in the amount of $50.00 per person, so be sure to bring a club cheque with a list of your paid up members to the meeting.
Lunch will provided by the UNC between the awards presentation and the race schedule debate.
See you there
Here is the link for the FINAL RESULT. Click here for the FINAL PAYOUT.
The next meeting of The Up North Combine will be held on November the 4th at Schomberg in the upper hall.
The doors will open at 9:00 am for a free breakfast to any UNC member who wishes to attend, with the meeting to follow.
On the agenda will be the usual committee reports, a discussion of the past year in the Up North Combine, and our elections for the 2019 executive .
Please have your club meetings and send your 2019 delegates to represent you at this meeting.
Hope to see everyone for breakfast
Click here for the developing result of Borden YB Open Race 2018.
Good morning All,Borden Bond Race released this morning between 7:00 and 8:00 am. Strike off will be at the same hall Sunday September 30 between 12-2pmGood luck to all!
The last up north combine races of the year. C08 Matheson will be released at 8:00 mostly sunny temp 3 deg wind west 11-19 km. Englehart release to come good luck. Liberator’sD08 Englehart will be released at 10:00 temp 7 deg mostly sunny wind WNW 11-19 km good luck to everyone today and for all the open races . The liberators