Friday May 29
Due to the questionable weather forecast at North Bay we will push shipping to Saturday night for a Sunday race. Liberators
Due to the questionable weather forecast at North Bay we will push shipping to Saturday night for a Sunday race. Liberators
Good morning everyone. A02 North Bay will be released at 8:00 B02 at 9:00 wind ENE 17-23 km clear 17 deg. Good luck. Liberators
Good morning everyone. A Dunchurch will be released at 8:00 and B Dunchurch at 9:00. 8 deg sun and clouds wind N 10-17 km . Good luck
Good Morning all, UNC will be shipping tonight for a Saturday Race. Please remember to follow the Protocol put out by the Executive. Stay safe and healthy and best of luck to everyone in the upcoming season.
With our first race being shipped on May 15th and the threat of the Corona Virus still hanging over us the UNC executive feel it is necessary that a protocol MUST BE FOLLOWED while shipping pigeons to our weekly races.
The protocol is as follows.!) All provincial guidelines should be followed as closely as possible2) If your club has more than 5 flyers shipping to any race, please ship one group at at time, having each group arrive at different times so that they do not come in contact with each other.3)Wear appropriate protective equipment when necessary,face masks, gloves, etc., Anything that ensures your safety and also protects the people around you.4)When scanning pigeons for the race, do it in a unenclosed area (outside) if possible, with the minimum amount of people necessary. Perhaps two people only, both wearing masks or keeping 6 ft apart .A possible .system could be as follows.The shipper brings forward their basket and presents his clock. He then walks away to a safe distance, (he can still observe the process) one person removes the birds from the basket and scans them, reads the band number out loud then places them in the appropriate race basket, the other person verifies the band number, and operates the particular equipment necessary to enter your birds keeping a safe distance from the person scanning the birds.Before and after a person’s birds are entered the handler washes his hands thoroughly with an alcohol based hand wash, or soap and water or perhaps a prepared solution or Virkon and water. After thoroughly drying his hands, the handler repeats the process until it becomes his turn to ship and someone else takes his position, washing his hands before and after he handles the birds. Before pressing any keys on a flyers clock you should cover them with a clear plastic wrap and dispose of it when finished, using a new piece with each clock.5) When the process of entering the birds is complete loading of the baskets for transport to your pickup location can be done. Masks absolutely must be worn by the basket carriers and gloves are suggested also.If gloves are not worn then washing your hands after loading is necessary.6) When at your pickup location, only one club should load at either side of the trailer at a time. While waiting other clubs should remain a safe distance from each other and wait your turn. Face masks must be worn and gloves are also suggested while loading baskets, Carry and use a alcohol based hand wash after handling baskets at the trailer. Once you have loaded your baskets leave the area immediately. When unloading your empty baskets at the club house, wear a mask and gloves and wash your hands after handling the baskets.7)Keep a safe distance from our driver for each others protection.8)Most importantly, if you feel the least bit ill do not ship your pigeons until you are well, it will not kill you to miss two races but it could kill others.9)At clock off, each flyer present their clock to the race secretary one at a time, to be processed, keeping a safe distance from all members. Again cover the keys on a clock with a clear plastic wrap before touching them10)When the winner is announced, congratulate them but do not shake hands, all members are encouraged to wash their hands before leaving the club house at clock off,These guidelines are for everyone’s protection and following them will help to ensure a safe and enjoyable race season. Good luck flying your old birds.Up North Combine Executive
Due to the Corona Virus pandemic, the UP NORTH COMBINE is postponing the 2020 race season. The UNC executive is monitoring the situation, and hope that we can start the season on May 16 2020, with no break between the old bird series and young birds in order to fly a complete schedule. Should a a further postponement be necessary, a revised schedule will be necessary. We will make everyone aware of the situation as it develops.Please practice physical distancing and stay safe.UNC Executive:
In the last few days I have had inquires as to how the Corona Virus may affect The UNC old bird races.
At this point in time the UP NORTH COMBINE fully intends to fly the complete 2020 race schedule as posted on our website.The races do not start for six weeks and anything can happen in that period of time, ( for better or worse) but with the probability of the outbreak continuing we will propose a commonsense protocol to follow while shipping your birds to minimize contact with the virus.Remember to submit all flying fees to Ken Foster no later than April 5th, it’s business as usual.Do what’s needed to stay healthy, we are all in this together.Bruce
Due to the measures now being taken regarding the Corona Virus, the UP NORTH COMBINE executive have decided to cancel the annual general meeting on March 29. We will reschedule it at a later date when the virus is no longer a threat,In regard to clubs submitting their flying fees, please make arrangements with Ken Foster to either deliver them to him in person or to mail them to him. Ken’s phone number is 905-836-7622 call him to make arrangements.All old bird fees must be paid no later than APRIL 5, 2020, and anyone needing GPS measurements should let us know immediately.I wish you all good luck, stay healthy and enjoy the upcoming race season.Bruce
The UNC annual general meeting will be held on Sunday March 29, 2020 at the Newmarket Inn 18667 Yonge St. Newmarket Ont. at 10:00 am. in the conference room directly behind the main building,All 2020 Old bird flying fees must be paid by this date.Flying Fees are”A” series $200.00″B” series $150.00″C” series $150.00″D” series $150.00All four series paid in advance $550.00Please bring applications along with the $50.00 fee for any new members that need to be voted into the UNC before the flying season starts.Any members that need their co-ordinates taken before the season should arrange for this at this meeting.Any overdue membership fees must be paid at this time..
All members are welcome at this meeting so plan to attend.
Please add what you need Andy and notify everyone. Hopefully we can distribute the new bottoms for our baskets at this meeting.ThanksBruce
Sadly’ Dave Booth has informed Us that his wife Janet passed away on January 28th 2020 ‘A celebration of life will be held on Saturday February 1 2020 at the Roadhouse and Rose Funeral Home in the upper reception room from 2:00pm until 4:00 pm.Address157 Main St. S.Newmarket Ont.