Friday July 10
Shipping will be tonight for a Sunday race A09 Klotz Lake
Shipping will be tonight for a Sunday race A09 Klotz Lake
The race result for the 2020 Cochrane Joint Release is now posted on the 2020 Races Section.
Due to Thunderstorms on Saturday, shipping is postponed for tonight. Please check tomorrow morning for updates. Thanks Liberators
Due to Thunderstorms and rain, the driver brought the birds back to Cochrane. A08 and B08 Birds were released together with North East Federation from Cochrane at 6:45an, Good Luck to Everyone
Due to Thunderstorms/Rain, the driver has brought the birds back to Cochrane. A08 Cochrane is released at 6:45 in sun and cloud. Good Luck Everyone
Shipping will be tonight for a Saturday Race
Good morning everyone. A07 Hearst will be released at 6:00 Sunny 13 deg no wind but,forecast to pick up from the NNE down the coarse. Good luck . Liberators
The 2020 young bird flying fees are now due and must be submitted no later then July 11, Please send your flying fees directly to Ken Foster or send them on the trailer with our driver.The fees are $150.00 for the “C” series and $150.00 for the “D” series
Please note that all birds that are not registered in your name that you intend to fly, must be transferred to you and registered with the Canadian Racing Pigeon Union before you race them. Any birds not registered to the flyer may be disqualified from a race as per CU rules.
Any person who needs to be measured please make arrangements well before the first race.Good luck in the young bird season. Thanks, Bruce
Due to the uncertainty in Saturday’s weather throughout the coarse we have decided to ship Friday night for a Sunday race. Check back tomorrow for any updates. Liberators
Good morning everyone. A06 Latchford will be released at 6:15 sunny 18 degrees wind WSW 9-15 kms . B06 North Bay will be released at 8:00 sunny 20 degrees wind SW 5-9 kms good luck. Liberators
2Ellen Sutton and Brad Hudson