The next meeting of the UP NORTH COMBINE will be held at the Newmarket INN,18667 Yonge st. Newmarket Ont.The meeting will take place in the Basement conference room located at the rear parking lot on March 20 at 10:00 AM.
The 2022 flying fees will be collected at this meeting.Please print off the form located in the document section of our website, record the fliers names, the series they are flying, and the amount paid. The form along with a club cheque for the total amount should be given to Peter Kamstra at this meeting.The flying fees for 2022 will remain the same as last year A series $200.00 B series $150.00 C series $150.00 D series $150.00 All four series paid in advance $550.00
New Membership applicants will be voted on at this meeting, and any submissions for membership should be recorded on the application form in the document section of our website Print off one copy per applicant, fill out the appropriate information and submit payment of $50.00 per applicant to Peter Kamstra at the meeting.
The Up North Combine intends to use the new CRPU developed Speed Fancier race program this year.Please pay attention to Andy’s reminder, do not wait until the last minute.
A new GPS unit has been purchased by the UNC. All clubs must remeasure their members loft location before the first old bird race.The Measuring will begin with the Scugog Club and the GPS unit will be rotated through the UNC until all clubs are measured. Each club will be notified when the GPS unit is available for their use. When it is your turn, please do this in a timely manner so that we can get this done quickly.
UNC Executive