The next meeting of the Up North Combine will be held at the Newmarket Inn, 18667 Yonge st. Newmarket Ontario.on Sunday April 2, 2023 at 10:00 A.M.and will take place in the B! basement conference room.
This is our annual constitutional meeting and any submissions for changes must be sent to Peter Kamstra 24 Little Rebel Rd Schomberg Ont,LOG !TO no later than March 10 2023.
Any proposed change must state the section it applies to along with the existing by-law that it will alter or replace
.All submissions will be posted on our website so that all clubs are able to hold a meeting in order to discuss them before the UNC meeting.
All flying fees for the 2023 season must be paid at this meeting.
The cost for each series are as follows.
A series $200.00
B series $150.00
C series $150.00
D series $150.00
All four series paid in advance $550.00