Thursday July 11, 2024
Shipping will be tonight for the A11 Rupert River race. Check back Saturday for release updates.
Shipping will be tonight for the A11 Rupert River race. Check back Saturday for release updates.
Hi all,
This weekend is already our last old bird race. This is a joint release with ECC, EOC, NRRPA and UNC on the small UNC trailer. The other combines will probably need 16 crates, this leaves the UNC with 40. There are 50 crates allocated in the A series but this being the last race I’m sure there is plenty of room.
So we ask that each club use a minimum of crates, certainly don’t crowd your crates but also don’t put 3 or 4 birds per crate. Please have between 8 & 15 birds per crate so we can accommodate everyone and not have too many birds per crate either.
Thank you,
Oscar & Linda DeVries
NOTICE – The Young Bird General meeting of the Up North Combine will be held Sunday July 21 at 10:00 am in the meeting room at the Royal Canadian Legion 115 Back St., Bradford Ont.
Young bird flying fees must be paid at this meeting. The cost is $175.00 for the C series and $175.00 for the D series.
Please complete the official form listing your clubs’ young bird flyers including which series that they are flying in. The form along with a club cheque for the flying fees is to be submitted to Peter Kamstra.
Basket allocation for each club will be based on the numbers given at this meeting so please have your lists prepared. Also, any applications and membership fees for new members will be voted on at this meeting.
The forms and applications are found on our website.
Hope to see you at the meeting. UNC executive
Birds were released in Rupert River at 6:00 am in sunny clear skies, 10 degrees with 8 kph SW wind. Good luck to all participants.
Shipping will be tonight for A09 Rupert River. Please check back Monday morning for release information.
No Shipping Tonight due to a bad weather outlook for Sunday. Please check back tomorrow for further updates.
No Shipping Tonight due to a bad weather outlook for Saturday. Please check back tomorrow for further updates.
The Constitutional amendment deadline has been reached. Amendments were received from only 2 clubs (Scugog and Oshawa). I will collate the amendments over the next several days and then post them on the UNC website in the Documents Tab under ‘The 2024 UNC Constitution Amendment Proposals’ heading. All clubs please review and be ready to vote on the proposals at the upcoming meeting on Sunday March 24th.
Meeting Reminder – The next meeting of the Up North Combine will be held on Sunday March 24, 2024, at 10:00 AM at the Royal Canadian Legion, 115 Back St., Bradford, ON. This is our annual Constitutional meeting and any submissions for changes must be sent to Bruce Bidon preferably via email at ( or mailed to Bruce Bidon, 11 Jamieson Cres., Whitby ON., L1R 1T9 and received no later than February 25, 2024. Any proposed change must state the section it applies too along with the existing by-law that it will alter or replace. All submissions will be posted on our website so that all clubs are able to discuss them prior to the UNC meeting. To date only proposed changes from the Oshawa Club have been received.
The next meeting of the Up North Combine will be held on Sunday March 24, 2024, at 10:00 AM at the Royal Canadian Legion, 115 Back St., Bradford, ON.
This is our annual Constitutional meeting and any submissions for changes must be sent to Bruce Bidon preferably via email at ( or mailed to Bruce Bidon, 11 Jamieson Cres., Whitby ON., L1R 1T9 no later than February 25, 2024.
Any proposed change must state the section it applies to along with the existing by-law that it will alter or replace. All submissions will be posted on our website so that all clubs are able to discuss them prior to the UNC meeting.
All flying fees for the 2024 season must be paid at this meeting.
The cost for each series has been changed as voted on by the Delegates and is as follows:
A series $225.00
B series $175.00
C series $175.00
D series $175.00
All four series paid in advance $600.00.